DFC intelligence has investigated whether Sony's slow and steady approach taken with the PS3 be enough to fight off strong increased competition from both MS and Nintendo. While they fail to come up with a conclusion at this moment in time, they are certain that no system will dominate the state of play as much as the first two Playstation systems did in the past. The omens is now on publishers learning how to properly leverage content across a variety of platforms as consumers are increasingly willing to purchase more than just one system.
The one thing we do continue to argue is that no system is likely to have the market share dominance of the first two PlayStation systems. The video game market is simply becoming diversified in multiple respects. Consumers are increasingly willing to buy multiple systems for multiple purposes. This means arguing who will be first or second is becoming increasingly irrelevant. Publishers and developers need to learn how to properly leverage content across multiple platforms. Unfortunately, this is something most video game companies have not historically excelled at.
News Source - Next-Gen.biz
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