Wired has put together an editorial which looks at the chronological loss of what were previously thought to be PS3 exclusive titles, leaving only two major PS3 exclusives currently in the form of MGS 4 (contested) and Final Fantasy XIII. GTA IV, Assassin's Creed, Devil May Cry IV, Virtua Fighter 5, Beautiful Katamari and Fatal Inertia are those titles mentioned within the article.
The two major remaining third-party exclusives for PlayStation 3 are Metal Gear Solid 4 and Final Fantasy XIII. Konami has certainly never been resistant to putting Metal Gear titles on different hardware; witness Twin Snakes on GameCube and Substance on Xbox. And Microsoft is likely gunning hard for the game. Also, Konami probably prefers making money to losing truckloads of it. All things considered, I'm pretty sure it's already a done deal, given the fact that we hear very credible rumors about it once a week or so.
So that really only leaves Final Fantasy XIII. We know that Square Enix is not blind to the changes in the market. Last Remnant, their latest RPG franchise, will be released simultaneously on both platforms.
Also, Final Fantasy XIII's release is a long, long way off. The EGM crew says that they will miss their stated goal of having a playable demo ready for E3. And Square Enix says the game won't hit until after March 2008.
News Source: Wired.com
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