Rob M, EA Sports senior technical support director has responded to an e-mail from a gamer which asked why the PS3 version of Madden 08 was technically lagging behind the Xbox 360 version. Rob kindly explained that on the Xbox 360m developers have been creating titles for 'over' 3.5 years, while everyone except Sony has been creating titles for the PS3 for perhaps just over a year. He concludes by saying that it is very difficult to get things right the first time and fully understands if gamers select not to buy the game.

Thank you for your feedback regarding the issues you've found with Madden NFL 08 for the PlayStation 3 game console. While we fully understand your frustration with the limitations the technology has placed against the video frames per second of the game play on the PlayStation 3 game console, it was out intent to put out the best possible with Madden across 10 platforms. While it is very simple to draw a conclusion based on the end-user experience with the game technology, what most people do not realize is hours of research which goes into fully understanding the hardware demands for each console. In the case of the next-generation consoles, many publishers have been developing titles for the Xbox 360 for over 3 1/2 years while everyone who publishes now for the PlayStation 3 with the exception of Sony has been developing for the PlayStation 3 for only a little over one full year. The differences in the overall knowledge of the hardware is vastly different for both consoles and, as is the case with newer technology, it is very difficult to get it right the first time. As for frame-rate differences, 30 frames per second is the same for all PS 3 football games this year, not just Madden but also NCAA Football, and 2K Sports' offering as well. If you choose not to purchase the game, it is a choice fully understand and respect. Please know that I have passed your feedback and observations on to the game team and hopefully someone within their team will be able to address this matter further.


Rob M.
EASPORTS Sr. Technical Support

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