Microsoft has reportedly demanded a small venture backed company XBux to get shot of its name as it infringes on the Xbox trademark. Xbux are in the field of promoting extere sporting events but Microsoft believes they are both in the competing field of the 'entertainment business' and are therefore crossing paths.
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Despite the fact that XBux which helps extreme sporting event promoters and athletes find sponsors, is nowhere near the video game world, Microsoft alleges that XBux is infringing on its XBox trademark, according to XBux. XBux, of Redwood City, Calif., says Microsoft originally argued that both companies were in the “entertainment business,” and therefore crossed paths, but backed away from this position. Microsoft seemed to go away for a few months, then came back and deposed XBux’s chief executive, a former venture capitalist named Richard Grogan-Crane.
Grogan-Crane says Microsoft suggested that he change his company’s name to “XBucks.”
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