Speaking in a widely quoted interview, Jeff Bell, Xbox's Corporate Vice President of Global Marketing commented that Microsoft is experiencing a lot of games being launched first or exclusive to them for a short while on the Xbox 360 as developers can't "get it together on other platforms." Bell also commented that the only two remaining major franchises that are talked about not making a debut on the Xbox are Final Fantasy and Metal Gear Solid.
Quote:News Source: Canada.com
The work that's being done by our development community is great. The SDK's are being delivered on time and the development kits are being delivered on time. It's our goal to be a partner and help people succeed with their games.
We're starting to see games launched on us first or exclusive to us for a few months because they can't get it together on other platforms.
We are very proud of how dominant of our graphics and network capabilities are, but there are other strengths that the Wii have to offer like the younger IP's and the Wii mote which makes is accessible to all ages. I think there's more than enough room for everyone, but we definitely want to win. It is our ambition to win this generation and we've never been more prepared than right now.
Lets be honest. There's only two major franchises that are talked about not appearing on our platform: Final Fantasy and Metal Gear Solid. (*Editor's note: Bell obviously means 3rd party franchises. Not first party franchises such as Mario, Metroid, Zelda etc.)
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