2K Games has commented that it has 'reached out' to its retail partners to ensure that Bioshock maintains its official release date of August 21. One of their retail partners broke the street date on the title, and 2K Games has commented that they did not support this and certainly do not want people to think they have given Xbox 360 owners a 'leg up' over PC gamers.
Quote:News Source: 2KGames.com
Ryan Jones, Senior Account Executive at Access Communications (responsible for 2K's PR) about the broken Bioshock street date:
It recently came to 2K Games’ attention that one of our retail partners prematurely sold some copies of BioShock prior to the game's official launch date. Retailers are typically shipped product in advance to ensure they can meet launch day demand on street-dated product. As a result, a few people were able to purchase the game early. Additionally, a TV advertisement for BioShock prematurely ran that incorrectly indicated that the game was available for purchase. 2K Games has reached out to our retail partners and is maintaining the street date of August 21st in North America and August 24th in Europe, when BioShock will be available at retailers. 2K Games is appreciative of the gamer excitement and critical acclaim leading up to the title’s launch.
UPDATE - Elizabeth Tobey, Community Manager at 2K Games:
the pre-release was a mistake on a retailer's part. i promise you with all my heart 2K did not do anything on purpose to mess with PC gamers or give the 360 a leg up or anything. it was a sad, sad mistake. PC will activate for the US on august 21st. and you'll want to wait till then anyway because new drivers will come out.
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