According to internet reports, the Playstation HOME beta has been updated, the respective update now makes the HOME square available to testers and more. One very interestng point is that one of the screens has a DivX logo at the bottom of it, which has sparked up rumors that the PS3 will have DivX playback sometime in its life.
Quote:News Source: Console-Exploit
It seems the HOME beta has been updated and ready for download by current testers. With this update the HOME Square that was shown at E3 has finally been made available to testers. From what I understand many changes have been made to the HOME beta and they're very well received by beta participants. One of the changes I was informed of is that they've broken locations down to optional downloads. For example if you didn't desire to visit the theater you didn't have to download it. It make for a much smaller core download and allows users to define their own experiences.
Beta? When is the final version coming out?