The kid who was live on the Fox show regarding the dusty PS3 is reportedly a professional actor who has been paid to act on Fox news before. The kid doesn't mention he is a pro actor and secondly fails to mention just how dusty his PS3 was which has sparked views that Fox has once again has failed to provide fair and balanced views on the problem. Check out his profile at
Ok, OK, I hate to stir the 'PS3 conspiracy' pot, but I thought GAFers would be interested in this.
Redi Godshaw, the kid with the unusually dusty PS3, is a professional actor and has been paid to act on FOX shows before.
He goes on FOX news, with a horrendously dusty PS3, and it is never mentioned either that A.) He is a professional actor, or B.) His PS3 was far beyond normal levels of 'dusty'.
It just seems to me that FOX didn't provide 'fair and balanced' views of a problem with a foreign electronics manufacturer.
News Source: Neogaf
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