An inside source at Arstechnica who in the past has been correct on many forthcoming console revisions has revealed that Sony is definitely phasing the 80GB PS3 from the market and is set to introduce a 120/160GB PS3 pack complete with a Dual Shock 3 controller. The latter edition will be an integral part of Sony's two tier hardware platform in conjunction with the lower spec'd 40GB SKU.
I repeated the information we reported on Friday: Sony is sticking to a two-model approach at retail, but the company won't comment on whether or not the other model would be the 80GB system. The 40GB system seems safe. I asked the mole what information he had.News Source: Arstechnica
"Sony is, in fact, phasing out the 80GB PS3. Sony is going to stay with the two-SKU approach though, and the prices look to stay the same," the mole told me. I heard sirens in the background, and the mole seemed nervous. "The Spiderman 3 pack-in will disappear as well once the 80GB unit is gone. In order to maintain a similar value proposition to the 80GB/Spiderman 3 bundle, I expect to see a storage increase to 120 or 160GB at the same price point, plus the new Dual-Shock 3 controller... what are you trying to accomplish with this story?"
Although I'm an xbox 360 gamer, I think I will still get the 40gb version of the PS3 soon. Nothing wrong with checking out the competition. lol.