Speaking in a recent interview, Sony's Peter Dille has revealed that Sony are working very hard on their online network for the PS3. He also couldn't resist taking a firing shot at MS by stating that their competition charges people to get online and essentially rips them off by charging for old content from previous generations.
"We're attacking online very, very aggressively," Dille told Gamasutra in a post E3 interview. "We offer online for free, and our competition charges people to get online."News Source: Gamepro.com
Dille also criticized Microsoft for charging gamers for what he called "old content and catalogs from previous generations," whereas he claims his company focuses on making new, original downloadable games not limited by a lack of hard drive referring to the Xbox 360 core system.
"We've very confident in the PlayStation 3's long-term prospects of being the dominant console on the market," he added.
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